In a world filled with bacteria, molds, yeasts, and viruses, it is becoming increasingly important to protect ourselves and the integrity of the products we use on a daily basis. Antimicrobial chemicals and coatings are becoming a common necessity in all types of products. Testing and understanding the effectiveness of these antimicrobial agents is vital to the development and production of these products.
Chem-Bac Laboratories has extensive experience in designing and implementing protocols for testing of devices, formulations, and surfaces for antimicrobial properties. We utilize ASTM, AOAC, AATCC, in addition to customized protocols for evaluating antimicrobial efficacy.
Additionally, we provide laboratory services for disinfectant and antimicrobial development and validation studies. Our studies determine the efficacy of the inactivation of pathogens in environmental liquid and solid samples and inanimate surfaces.
Test Procedures Include:
ASTM G21: Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi
ASTM E2149: “Shake Flask” Test for Antimicrobial Surfaces and Textiles
ASTM E2180: Standard test Method for Determining the Activity of Incoporated Antimicrobial Agents in Polymeric or Hydrophobic Materials
AOAC 960: Germicidal and Detergent Sanitizing Action of Disinfectants
AATCC 30: Antifungal Activity, Assessment on Textile Materials
AATCC 100: Antibacterial Activity Assessment of Textile
Materials: Agar Plate Method
AATCC 147: Antibacterial Activity Assessment of Textile
Materials: Parallel Streak Method
JIS Z 2801: Antimicrobial Products-Test for Antimicrobial Activity and Efficacy
ISO 22196: Plastics – Measurement of Antibacterial Activity on Plastics Surfaces
ISO 20743: Textiles – Determination of antibacterial activity of textile products